Incorporating STEM into Fall Lesson Plans | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Discover tips for incorporating fall-related STEM concepts in your lesson plans with this article from Kaplan Early Learning Company.
Discover tips for incorporating fall-related STEM concepts in your lesson plans with this article from Kaplan Early Learning Company.
Use this fun back to school craft to get to know the children in your care. With this arts and crafts activity children can be creative while also exercising their fine motor skills. When they're finished, have children present this to their class, so they can get to know their classmates as well.
Regularly cleaning your sand and water table is important for preventing germs and diseases from spreading and breeding. Proper cleaning keeps children safe and ready to splash or dig.
Getting snow is always an exciting time of the year. Children can use this weather condition to have fun with these fun snow day activities including hosting a sled race, making snow cones, building a snow fort, painting the snow, and playing snowball hula.
You don't need an easel or brush to paint a masterpiece. Help your children create abstract art with this engaging activity. The results from the painting are unique and limitless.
These fourth of July activities are sure to engage your toddlers and preschoolers during the holiday. These STEM activities are sure to help your children enjoy the fourth of July while also learning new skills.
Here are five ways to celebrate Valentines Day! 1. Paint with Heart-Shaped Cookie Cutters 2. Make Valentine Mobiles 3. Create Heart-Shaped Suncatcher 4. Sing a Valentine's Day Song 5. Use Children's Footprints to Make a Valentine's Day Crafts for Parents
Spanish is the fasts growing non-English language in the United States, so it is likely that you will have a Spanish speaking students and families. To better communicate with Spanish speaking families: Learn the basics, use new systems, request an interpreter, and encourage culture sharing in the classroom.