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Mindfulness in the Classroom | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Mindfulness in the Classroom | Kaplan Early Learning Company

Offering teachers peace of mind this back-to-school season, Dr. Elizabeth Erwin addresses mindfulness in the classroom by answering frequently asked questions based on her book The Power of Presence.

Creating Inclusive Spaces: The Basics of Serving Dual Language Learners | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Creating Inclusive Spaces: The Basics of Serving Dual Language Learners | Kaplan Early Learning Company

In the second blog of her series, Creating Inclusive Spaces, Dr. Lea Ann Christenson provides educators ways to prepare for the new Dual Language Learners entering their classroom this upcoming school year.

#SayHerName: Supporting the Social-Emotional Health of Black Girls in the Early Years | Kaplan Early Learning Company
#SayHerName: Supporting the Social-Emotional Health of Black Girls in the Early Years | Kaplan Early Learning Company

Is your classroom an affirming space for young Black girls? In this blog, Dr. Iheoma U. Iruka challenges educators to move their focus beyond Black boys, and the high rates of preschool suspension and expulsion they face, in order to create learning environments in which Black girls are nurtured and supported.

Sunflower Seed STEAM | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Sunflower Seed STEAM | Kaplan Early Learning Company

Easy and fun, the Sunflower Seed STEAM activity is the perfect way to combine creativity with inquiry-based learning!

Back to School: Creating Transition Traditions | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Back to School: Creating Transition Traditions | Kaplan Early Learning Company

As we get closer to back-to-school season, it's only natural for families to feel anxious about sending their learners to school for the first time. Dr. Laura Wilhelm provides educators and caregivers with simple and easy tips for soothing separation anxiety and preparing children their first day of school.

DIY Nature Wings | Kaplan Early Learning Company
DIY Nature Wings | Kaplan Early Learning Company

Let your creativity take flight with the DIY Nature Wings activity! This fun and simple craft creates a perfect opportunity for outdoor learning and nature exploration.

Creating Inclusive Spaces: Supporting DLLs and their Families | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Creating Inclusive Spaces: Supporting DLLs and their Families | Kaplan Early Learning Company

In the first blog of her series,

Nurture in Nature: Supporting Equity in Outdoor Play | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Nurture in Nature: Supporting Equity in Outdoor Play | Kaplan Early Learning Company

In the second installment of her series, Nurture in Nature, Dr. Rachel A. Larimore champions the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in outdoor play.

Ocean STEM Activity: How Do Whales Eat? | Kaplan Early Learning Company
Ocean STEM Activity: How Do Whales Eat? | Kaplan Early Learning Company

Dive into inquiry-based learning this summer with the Ocean STEM Activity. Children will be interested to learn with you how whales eat with this fun and simple activity.