The 5-Minute Paper Slinky activity allows children to use creativity and self-expression while simultaneously developing their fine motor skills. Children will have the creative freedom to construct any wild jungle animal that will twist and wiggle. With just construction paper, glue, scissors, and crayons, this simple but fun craft requires minimum materials and preparation.
How does the 5-Minute Paper Slinky activity develop fine motor skills and encourage creativity?
As students are given the opportunity to decorate their jungle animals with different prints and patterns, they will be able to exercise creative expression and artistic development. Creativity fosters growth by providing ways to try out new ideas and the freedom to show feelings and emotions. Through the use of scissors and glue, students will develop fine motor skills by practicing precision and accuracy. Improving fine motor skills is essential for young children, and techniques learned in the classroom are instrumental to growth.
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Required Materials:
Have students use crayons and markers to decorate the construction paper with their choice of animal patterns. Encourage students to draw a range of different jungle-themed animal prints and designs.
Fold the decorated construction paper in half (hot dog style).
Ask students to cut five to six slits along the folded side of the construction paper. The slits should be approximately the length of the scissor blade and about an inch apart.
Unfold the now cut construction paper and apply glue along the length of one edge of the paper.
5Create the Body
Create a tube with the construction paper by attaching the side without glue to the glue-covered edge.
6Make the Face
Use the Jungle Animal Face Template as an outline for the animal heads. Encourage students to use a variety of designs when creating the face for their slinky animal.
7Put It All Together
Attach the animal head by gluing the face and a blank piece on either side of the tube.
Incorporate the 5-Minute Paper Slinky activity into your lesson plans about animals to provide a fun, springy learning experience. You can also use the activity to celebrate World Animal Day each year on October 4th. Be sure to browse our selection of manipulatives and related resources to help children work on developing their fine motor skills.