In the eighth and final installment of Dr. Tonia Durden's newest series Dear CRT, she ties everything together and tells us what we can do to advocate for culturally relevant education within our schools and communities. Explore the rest of her series here.
Dear CRT,
Say it loud and say it proud: I am a culturally relevant teacher!
Hopefully by now you have read all seven blogs in this Dear CRT series. If you haven't, please be encouraged to check them out as this is the final blog in what I believe was an important chronicle of the how to in focusing on anti-bias and culturally relevant education.
So what next?
An important part of our work as culturally relevant teachers is to continue to stand firm and advocate for the principles we know create high quality learning experiences for ALL children. Particularly, we value and speak up for policies, practices and family engagement experiences that are culturally meaningful, equitable and contributes to the holistic development and success of Black and Brown children. We also speak out against acts of racism, inequity and bias that we see in our programs and communities. Having a commitment to advocacy in your program, community and within the profession is the true testament and hallmark of culturally relevant teaching.
So stand firm, stand proud and stand confident! Be an advocate in culturally relevant teaching by:
- Writing a CRT blog (hey I did it and you can too!)
- Speaking about CRT before leadership committees or governing boards development
- Leading a professional learning workshop on CRT
- Being a great CRT model and mentor
- Using social media to highlight CRT efforts in your classroom or program
Also build alliances by joining professional organizations focused on advocacy efforts related to educational equity and CRT:
- National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)
- National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI)
- National Latino Children's Institute (NLCI)
Also stay connected to the latest in equity and CRT efforts by visiting the following organizational websites, resources and tools:
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC ): Teaching and Learning About Race and Racism
Advancing Equity Initiative
Equity Institute (EI)
Learning for Justice (LFC)
Racial Justice resources from Sesame Street in Communities
I am encouraged that together, as we advocate for culturally relevant teaching and learning, that we will be the change we want to see and reach transformative heights in early childhood educational equity and quality!
Signing off,
T. Durden
About the Author
Tonia Durden, PhD, is a clinical associate professor of early childhood and elementary education and is a program coordinator at the Georgia State University College of Education and Human Development. She is also a co-author of the book Don't Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms.
Explore this Series
Dear CRT: Creating Culturally Relevant Classroom Environments
Dear CRT: Responsive Interactions
Dear CRT: Guiding and Nurturing Children
Dear CRT: Approaches to Learning
Dear CRT: How to Be Anti-Racist'Anti-Bias
Dear CRT: Providing Assessments that are Culturally Relevant
Dear CRT: Focusing on Family Engagement