Whether growing alongside a tree trunk or popping up among fallen leaves in a dense forest, mushrooms have the uncanny ability to find a home in the strangest of places. Sometimes, you may find them out in the open, and other times, they seem to tuck themselves away to stay partially hidden from view.
According to early childhood experts Dr. Sandra Duncan and Christine Burkholder, children, like mushrooms, often need spaces where they can tuck away and hide. When designing classroom spaces, educators must think about the environment as a whole and how their classroom learning centers facilitate age-appropriate development. However, the small spaces of a classroom, such as the unused space between a storage unit and wall, or the space under a table, should not be overlooked.
Keep reading to see how to create a cozy hideaway in your classroom that provides a safe area for young children to regroup, refocus, and recharge.
What is the benefit of a cozy hideaway in the early childhood classroom?
In their book Inspired by Nature: Designing Play Places for the Littlest Learners, Dr. Sandra Duncan and Christine Burkholder share valuable lessons about nature and its impact on early childhood classroom design. Mushrooms provide shelter for insects and small creatures in the forest, and a cozy hideaway can do the same in your classroom.
Children can quickly become overwhelmed and overstimulated by the bustling activity that occurs during play. Cozy hideaways provide safety and security in a somewhat chaotic environment, and when overwhelmed or upset, children can escape to a cozy hideaway to regroup, refocus, and recharge. Given the chance to regain control of their emotions, children will return to classroom activities ready to learn, cooperate with peers, and practice new skills.
How can you create a cozy hideaway in your classroom?
When considering where to create a cozy hideaway in your classroom, look for a space where children can safely get in, around, and out of the hideaway. Think small. A classroom hideaway is not a space that should accommodate a large group of children. Typically, it should only be large enough for one or two children at a time.
To learn more about creating tiny hideaway destinations using the small spaces in your classroom, watch Dr. Sandra Duncan’s Essentials for Classroom Design series
To make your hideaway feel comforting and cozy, decorate and fill the space with neutral colors, soft textures, and plush materials. The best areas of your classroom to set up a cozy hideaway are a quiet corner, reading nook, or any unused space away from active areas like your dramatic play and block play learning centers.
Please consider child safety and licensing rules and regulations when configuring furniture to create a cozy hideaway. Use materials that give children the feeling of being tucked away but also allow you to visualize their presence at all times.
What Kaplan products can you incorporate in your cozy hideaway?
You can certainly use the items you have on hand to create a cozy classroom hideaway. However, if you are starting from scratch, Kaplan offers a variety of furnishings and materials that can work wonders:
Classroom Arches and Tunnels
Tunnels and arches that children can get in, under, or behind give the feeling of isolation without restricting a teacher's view. The Sense of Place for Wee Ones Honeycomb Tunnel, positioned at the opening of a classroom hideaway area, creates a fun transition between playful activity and calm retreat. The gentle curves and nature-inspired textures of the Sense of Place Cozy Classroom Arch create a comforting hideaway for older children who need a moment of respite.
The Sense of Place Collection, designed by Dr. Sandra Duncan, uses her decades of early childhood experience and educational theory to create tunnels, arches, and other furnishings that support the growth and development of children from birth to the early elementary years. To explore more items from this collection, visit our website.
You can also hang twinkling lights from the upper rungs of the Carolina Connections Cove designed by Miriam Beloglovsky, to create a warm and inviting space for children as they rest and recharge.
Peaceful Classroom Carpets and Rugs
Carpeting and rug solutions for a cozy classroom hideaway should be small, have a deep plush texture for children to cozy up on, and feature a neutral color palette that conveys peace and tranquility. A few rugs that match this description include the Sense of Place Nature's Stripes Carpet, the Sense of Place Lowland Stripe Carpet, and Kaplan's Nature Inspired Carpets from our Soft Carpet Collection.
How do you clean and care for your Kaplan rugs and carpets? Watch this video to learn more:
Washable Floor Cushions and Seating
Comfortable seating in a classroom hideaway adds to the cozy feel and offers a place for children to sit, rest, and restore their composure and focus. The Sense of Place Vinyl Couch or Chair or a Comfy Classroom Couch will give your hideaway a home-like appearance. If you need seating options lower to the floor, a set of Washable Wicker Seating Poufs with nature-inspired textures and colors is a great option.
Cute and Cuddly Plush Toys
For children having a tough time with their emotions or experiencing overstimulation, a cuddly and huggable friend can help them calm down quickly. One of our favorite hideaway companions is a Warmies® Plush Animal, which features a soothing lavender scent and can be safely heated in a microwave. You can also incorporate a set of Plush Mushrooms, a plush Sea Star Pillow, or Multicultural Soft Dolls for children to cuddle and seek comfort from.
Nature-Inspired Decor
While decor is not a "must" when creating a cozy classroom hideaway, it does add to the space's tranquil feel. Certain textures and images can also help children regain calm and focus much faster. Woven tapestries, canvas wall prints, table runners, and small light fixtures make great decor options for cozy hideaway spaces.
Need help creating your classroom's cozy hideaway?
In the early childhood classroom, children can quickly become overwhelmed and overstimulated, often resulting in inappropriate actions. As this article shows, cozy classroom hideaways give children a chance to escape, regroup, and refocus so they can return to classroom activities with a positive attitude and willingness to learn.
If you need more assistance creating a cozy hideaway in your classroom, please get in touch with your local Kaplan representative. They will gladly help you find furnishings.