Dr.Seuss day comes around once a year to remind us of the amazing literacy legacy he left behind. His amazing storytelling has shaped young minds for years and brought many laughs into the classroom. Have fun celebrating Dr. Seuss day with these engaging activities!
1. Have Lots of Fun Making The Cat in the Hat Hats
Celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2nd by making these cute hats! Use watercolors or face paint to paint cat whiskers on the children to complete their Seuss-inspired look.
- The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
- White easel paper
- Red tempura paint
- Paintbrushes
- Tape
What to do:
- Paint wide red stripes on easel paper, leaving white spaces in between each stripe.
- When the paint has dried, help the children roll up the papers to fit their heads. Tape the paper to form a stove-pipe hat.
- Have the children wear their hats while you read The Cat in the Hat. Be sure to take pictures of the children wearing their hats!
Source: The Giant Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities
2. Discover Your Students' Favorite Dr. Seuss Book
Select Dr. Seuss books that you think your children will like. These books can be relevant to classroom lessons or just for fun. Take a vote to see which Dr. Seuss book is your class' favorite!
What to do:
- Tell the children it is Dr. Seuss' birthday and that he was an author if they are unfamiliar with his work. Let them know you're going to read them some of the books he wrote.
- After you read each story, write the name of the book across the top of the chart.
- When you have finished reading your collection of Dr. Seuss books, ask the children which book was their favorite.
- Write the children's names on the chart under their favorite book.
- Count how many children voted for each book. Encourage the children to compare the numbers, figuring out which book was their favorite and which one they liked the least. You can also have children create a graph to represent the data.
Source: The Giant Encyclopedia of Monthly Activities
3. Throw a Party to Celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday
Celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday by throwing him a birthday party! Have children help you plan for the party, and plan on reading several of Dr. Seuss' Books as part of the celebration. You can also offer snacks that are related to Dr. Seuss and his books. For example, you can use strawberry or cherry gelatin and top that with whipped cream or vanilla yogurt for a Seuss-themed parfait. Another idea would be to use strawberries and bananas or marshmallows to create Seuss-themed fruit kabobs. Pass out Dr. Seuss pencils, pens, or bookmarks as special mementos.
4. Make creative Seuss-Inspired Crafts
The timeless counting and rhyming book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish comes to life with this exciting fish sorting game. Cut out paper "pond" shapes for students to place pompom "fish" into each pond using Easy-Grip Tweezers. This easy to make, no mess activity encourages fine motor development, sorting skills, and color recognition.
5. Make Seuss Sticks for Math Manipulatives
Make Seuss-inspired sticks that can be used as math manipulatives or dominoes in the classroom. Children can sort them by color, make shapes with them, or use them to learn counting and a variety of other math skills. The Seuss Sticks also promote fine motor skills and help children gain confidence in their math abilities. Use the math manipulatives in interactive lesson about addition and subtraction.
Continue the celebration of Dr. Seuss day with these activities and more! Browse our selection of classroom arts and crafts and related Insights and Inspirations to keep the creativity flowing.