Could your child be the next model for Kaplan Early Learning Company?
When we showcase our products in marketing materials, we like to show real children having authentic play experiences in age-appropriate early childhood environments. The Kaplan Model Call is how we scout outgoing, camera-ready children that we can feature.
If you are interested in attending our upcoming Model Call, keep reading. This article highlights everything you need to know to prepare yourself and your child for their big day on set!

What is the Kaplan Model Call?
The Kaplan Model Call is a free-to-attend, non-paid event where children and families audition for a potential role as a Kaplan model. During the model call, children will participate in teacher-led activities and play with our products so we can see how they perform on camera and in video. We host the Model Call event every two to three years or whenever our pool of eligible models ages out.
Who is eligible to attend the Kaplan Model Call?
Kaplan always needs models ages three months to five years. The Model Call is open to children of all abilities; we just ask that your child not turn five before December 31st of the current year.
Your child is not eligible to attend the Model Call if they currently work with another modeling agency. Please note that all modeling assignments will happen between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Parents and caregivers will be responsible for all transportation to and from any modeling assignment.
Do I need an appointment to attend the Kaplan Model Call?
Yes! You must sign up for a spot on the Model Call calendar to guarantee your child’s participation at any Kaplan Model Call. In the weeks leading up to the event, we will share our sign-up calendar via social media, email, and printed flyers in our Outlet Store. When registering for a time, please select one slot per child who will participate. If the time slots are filled, join the waitlist - slots frequently open up as we get closer to the event.
Where do I go on the day of the Kaplan Model Call?
The Model Call will take place at our corporate headquarters in Lewisville, North Carolina. We will contact all eligible Model Call attendees with the address and directions to the location of the production setups. On the day of your scheduled call time, we ask that you arrive at least 10 minutes early to have plenty of time to check in and prepare your child/ren for the photo and video activities.

How do I prepare myself and my child for the Kaplan Model Call?
On your scheduled Model Call appointment, please dress your child in clothing they usually wear to school or on a typical day at home. Solid, neutral, or pastel colors other than navy, black, and white work best on camera. It is always a good idea to bring an extra change of clothing to account for spills, messes, and “accidents” that may occur during the Model Call event.
This event can be overwhelming for young children. We ask that you stay close by for comfort on the day of your scheduled Model Call appointment but allow your child the freedom to play and meet new friends. We will have allergy-friendly snacks, water, and fun activities to keep children happy while waiting.
What happens after the Kaplan Model Call is over?
After the Model Call is complete, our team will analyze photos, videos, and director notes to determine which children will become the newest models for Kaplan. When we need photo or video content, which happens often, we will contact you to see if your child is available and schedule a day and time for their assignment. All Kaplan models will receive a $25 Kaplan gift card for every 30 minutes they spend on set.
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