We all know professional development is important—it can get you a job faster, excel your career, grow your skillset, and much more. However, we also know that PD often falls off the priority list. It can be time-consuming and expensive.
But did you know earning your Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ can be as easy as a four-step process? And, for just $89.95 for complete CDA training, the cost is well worth the many rewards.
Step 1: Complete 120 hours of online course work—on your schedule.
That's less than four months of daily courses to acquire foundational knowledge in eight key subject areas. You don't need to attend class. Instead, courses are available 24/7 at any time, any place. Browse our full library of online courses.
Step 2: Create a CDA portfolio
Every bit of experience counts! Take time to document all of your experience and skills in the early childhood education field. Reference the CDA Planner Course to help you create your best portfolio.
Step 3: Send in your application
You may apply for your CDA by sending your application to the Council for Professional Recognition.
Step 4: Schedule and take the exam
Schedule your CDA exam and verification visit to your classroom to assess your teaching practices.
(Bonus!) Step 5: Get your dream job!
Having earned the most widely recognized and respected credential in the early education field, you'll be more highly considered for that dream job. Not to mention, more and more jobs in early childhood education require a CDA credential.
Want to get one step closer to your dream job? Take the CDA Planner Course and browse our many course offerings today.